Our Investor Community

Our Investor Community

For a company, partnering with the RIGHT investors is just as important as raising the funds they require. And when investors are taking a minority position in a business, it is essential they have the comfort of sitting alongside other like-minded, experienced investors who are all striving towards the same goal.

Our investor network has been built over years of relationship building and successful collaborations. We work closely with both experienced, active, highly successful HNW individuals, as well as introducers and wealth managers who represent their more passive clients.

Risk is always mitigated for our partners and co-investors as before we ever bring in external capital we always invest our own funds first. We do our due diligence, but then we put our money where our mouth is to really get under the hood of the businesses before we feel confident enough to bring in our partners.

Minimise Risk – Maximise Returns. A simple ethos that has built us a loyal investor base.

We build strong relationships with passive investors with a long term outlook and the ability to move swiftly when opportunities present themselves.

We work closely with: