The Matt Haycox Foundation

The Matt Haycox Foundation

Being entrepreneurial isn’t just for business owners. It is something we demand of all of our team regardless of their role in the business. To be entrepreneurial is to be resourceful, innovative, creative and adaptable – to be a problem solver.

And these characteristics don’t just belong in the office. They should be used everywhere, to make the world a better place. And that is what we do at The Matt Haycox Foundation.

Started in 2016 after a chance meeting between Matt & a young cerebral palsy sufferer called Alfie Stalley, the Foundation has been raising over 100,000 a year to improve and save the lives of critically & terminally ill children ever since.

Our strap-line is ‘We don’t make A difference, we make THE difference.’ And by that we mean if we become aware of a problem we can solve, or a life we can make better, then we take full control of the situation to provide ALL of the necessary funds, but just as important as the funds, all of the necessary support that is required too.

And that is where our entrepreneurial team come in. Our team, our resources, our contacts and our time are all pooled together to power the Foundation to make it truly efficient as a life changing machine. This allows us to ensure that 100% of funds the donors contribute go directly to where they are intended. No overheads lost, no time wasted.